Exmormonology Ep. 108 Thoughts & Things & Stuff

The title of this Exmormonology Episode sums up this week's episode, it is a little bit all over the place, but as you listen I have a feeling you will understand.

I tap into some pretty tender emotions and I want to share them with you in hopes that you can relate and see and hear what healing sounds like. Healing does not mean you have landed at the top of healing mountain where rainbows and butterflies live forever and ever and you dance around in gleeful joy and you no longer feel grief, pain or heartache. It means that you learn to hold the space for the tender side of healing and you do not make it mean that anything has gone wrong or that you are not healing. Healing ebbs and flows.

Healing takes time. Remember wildflower, there is no rush and no race to this process. Just you and all the time you need. Thank you for letting me walk this path with you. Grab a cup a something and a blanket and maybe even a tissue and let's talk, you and me.


Exmormonology Ep. 109 My Conversation w/ Allison Crow, Author & Life Coach


Exmormonology Ep. 107 ~ Amazing You